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We are a serious, Cultutal Center and academic Lnaguage school employing highly professional staff. Our purpose is to provide a quality service to all our customers in a friendly and caring environment. We aim to ensure that every student's stay is both profitable and enjoyable and that all our students improve their Arabic & Japanese language skills, gain an insight into Japanese life and culture, also enhance their knowledge and understanding of other cultures.

Our an international environment where students can share their own cultures, beliefs and ideas while studying Arabic or Japanese, Learning about the culture and taking part In fun School trips. Students can attend both normal classes and business classes taught by teachers who are supportive of students' goals.


Weekday Courses

You can study Japanese during the week, from basic to advanced level. Depending on your goal, you can choose between the general course, intensive course. Furthermore, you can also enter a specialized class. *The intensive course merges with the general course from advanced level.

one-on-one Lesson

A course for students to select their lesson times Besides in-class lessons, We also has individualized lessons by the hour. These lessons are intended for students whose personal schedules do not match day or night class times, or for those who prefer learning one-on-one. For instance, many flight attendants have chosen this course in the past so that they may study during their short stays in Japan.

weekend Lesson

Are you new to Japan and want to start learning Japanese? Have you been living in Japan for some time ? Do you want to improve your Arabic OR Japanese Langauge skills in Japan? We created its Saturday courses, organized in three levels, to address those needs.

Learning JAPANESE OR ARABIC for the first time

In the Beginner classes, you wil get a strong grasp of the basics. Even for those with no Arabic Or Japanese Language experience. You will learn essential grammar and keigo, aiming to get a Basic level that will allow you to communicate smoothly. Many discussion topics will be prepared, implementing the grammar and phrases learned throughout the class. Build strong fundamentals for your Japanese Or Arabic and put your knowledge to practical use in real situations!.

Evening classes

We will be offering an evening course to those who aim to work in Japan and want to learn business level Japanese. This course is ideal for those who work during the day and can not attend the regular courses, those who are staying in Japan with a Working Visa and would like to learn Arabic at night, and those who think that regular classes are not enough and are looking for a more intensive approach.

Beginner-Intermediate Courses

The Beginner-Intermediate level aims to improve the students' communication skills even further and make them able to handle simple conversations in a wide variety of situations. The course also offers introductory classes about job search in Japan and job related topics, such as tips on how to write a resume, where students will be able to learn business Japanese Or Arabic .

Featured Work


Japanese Culture has a fascinating and multifaceted culture; on the one hand it is steeped in the deepest of traditions dating back thousands of years; on the other it is a society in a continual state of rapid flux, with continually shifting fads and fashions and technological development that constantly pushes back the boundaries of the possible.

TV取材・ コーディネート業務

アラビの現地旅行会社「エンジョイ ペトラ」は、日本の広告撮影、取材撮影チームなどのために、撮影目的に関するプランニングから、ロケーションスカウト、現地でのロケーションコーディネート、撮影チームの手配、プロジェクトの事前リサーチ、取材車輌や通訳・翻訳者の手配、その他撮影に関連する一切の業務を受け承っています。
さらに、現地アラビ国内での展示会・発表会などを開催されたいお客様、またアラビ国内で開催される各種国際イベントやフェスティバルへ参加をご希望されるお客様のために「エンジョイ ペトラ」では様々なサポート業務行っております。 計画のプランニングの段階から出発直前まで、日本人スタッフが、現地の情勢に不安を抱くお客様の疑問や質問に懇切丁寧にサポートさせていただきますので、安心してお任せください。

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事前打ち合わせや詳細な依頼内容の検討、契約書作成などは、日本語を話す日本人スタッフが常駐する「エンジョイ ペトラ・東京支店」(池袋1分) で事前に全て済ます事ができます。 また、アラビに撮影旅行中、24時間体制でサパートに当たります。

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宿泊ホテル & 取材車輌の手配

撮影取材スタッフたちために、撮影現場から近いホテルで、便利で清潔、且つ治安面で安全なホテルの手配をいたします。また、撮影に必要な機材を積み、スタッフたちの移動手段となる取材専用車輌などもお手配いたします。 お客様にご満足いただけるよう、ご希望のプラン作りに誠実にお手伝いさせていただきます。